Online help
Overview of the most important functions in our order- and information system:
Product search
The general search in the upper left-hand corner works on the principle of auto-completion.
While you are entering the single characters in the search field, the system is searching for suitable products in the background.
You can enter part of a product name, a standard, the Dresselhaus (4-digit) goods group, or the EAN code of the desired product. If you wish, you may restrict the research criteria with the pull-down menu in the upper left-hand corner.
If you are logged in as a registered customer, the system will also take your customer-specific material number into consideration.
Product shop
Under this menu item all products available can be viewed. You can click through the product group structure on the left until you reach a goods group. If several surfaces are available for this goods group, you will be able to select them subsequently. After that you will be shown the items available. If there is only one surface available, all items of the goods group will be shown immediately.
The goods group display features the following pieces of information:
- Name of the goods group
- Number of the goods group
- Product image (if available)
- General technical dimensions (independent of the concrete item)
- Information on the relevant standard (if applicable)
- Further information on the goods group (if available)
- Item list with technical particularities, package content, standard price of the relevant item
You can select the desired number of items by using the according ±keys or by entering the quantity directly in the input field, and put them in the shopping cart by clicking on the “Add to cart” button.
Shopping cart
Normally the “Shopping cart” menu item is shaded in grey.
However, as soon as at least one item has been added to the cart, the menu item will appear green in order to highlight its particular importance.
If you click on it then, the items selected beforehand will be displayed in a summary on one page.
Contrary to the previous product list with the goods groups, all customers who have logged in will be shown their individual customer price.
Here you can alter the quantity desired if necessary, and then proceed with the ordering process.
Then the address and delivery address can be entered or selected.
In the last order step the products will be listed again. Once you have confirmed the General Terms and Conditions you can finalize your order and send it off.
Customer area
The “Customer area” menu item is only visible if you are logged in the system.
Here you can avail yourselves of extensive customer-specific data with individual search criteria.
In addition, the system offers the following NEW functions:
Order EAN-/material no.
This function facilitates comfortable selection of the desired item by means of a barcode scanner; you simply transmit the related EAN code. Depending on the scanner type and –mode used, one or more EAN codes can be transmitted at the same time.
Generate an individual item list as a PDF file
This function serves to compile individual item lists with barcodes, which can then for instance be used for label printing.
There you can select the desired items (standard- as well as material number items are possible here).
As regards layout, several standard layouts are available.
Should none of the standard layouts correspond to the desired format, the layout can be edited individually by configuring data fields, position of fields, format, alignment, label size, label spacing, etc. to meet any requirements.
The technology area provides you with plenty of valuable additional information, e.g. regarding standards and changes in standards, manufacturing of screws and nuts, quality assurance measures, etc.